Going Green at CWB!

In April, Earth Day gets a lot of attention as it should, but there are other emerging national days designated to bring awareness to other things that we can do to save our planet. In 2017, the fourth Friday in February was designated National Skip the Straw Day.
The National Park Service estimates that Americans use 500 million plastic drinking straws daily. Plastic straws do not biodegrade but break down into tiny microscopic pieces that are then consumed by wildlife and that create the suspected carcinogen, styrene monomer.
What to do if you love the Earth and a straw? Good news, there are many reusable, eco friendly options.
In addition to skipping the plastic straws, our team at City Wide of Boston is continuing to make strides to decrease our footprint in our own office. We recently installed an Ion “bottleless” water cooler from our friends at Stonybrook Water Company. Our team enjoys an endless supply of pure drinking water without the hassle or environmental harm of bottled water.
“We continue to think of small changes that we can make in the office to reduce waste. It is important to us to be mindful about the environment. We were very excited to learn that we had a reasonable option that could provide not only an environmentally conscious product but also a healthier product for our employees!” – Cara Angeloni (Office Manager)
We can all help by learning more about steps to take to help make a cleaner environment and what choices exist to use eco-friendly products for our homes and offices.
“There are many different options we have that are better for the environment. We work along with City Wide of Boston to provide the best solutions for their clients. People take a lot of different angles to look at “green” depending on what they’re trying to save, the most common is the slogan “reduce, reuse & recycle” . Systems like Enmotion control usage by dispensing one towel at a time and reducing the amount of towels used. How the paper is made is another way in which something can be more environmentally friendly. There are many manufacturers that offer recycled content and post consumer recycled content, such as towels. Manufacturers also use independent third parties like eco logo, green seal and many others. Solaris paper has a different path to be green, they use rapidly renewable resources for paper. They have all plantation grown fiber for their products. There is such a variety of products that we can offer to fit the needs of any client. ” – Scott Pena Arrow Paper Corporation
Together we can all make a difference. Please join the effort #skipthestrawday Friday Febrary 28, 2020.
City Wide of Boston provides managed services to commercial properties throughout central and eastern Massachusetts.